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1.-Will my insurance pay for my implants? 

Generally, dental implants are not covered by dental insurance. However, more companies are covering dental implants today than they did ten years ago.  In many cases, your insurance can help pay for the teeth that are placed on the dental implants, if not the implants themselves.   You can call your dental insurance provider and ask if dental implants are a covered procedure.



2.-Will it hurt?

Most dental implant procedures involve less discomfort than a tooth extraction. When we see patients for follow up visits, most of them tell us how surprised they were with how little discomfort they had!  (TRUE!) Our office is equipped with doctors and a staff trained to safely provide conventional methods of anesthesia as well as a variety of intravenous sedation anesthesia options. Operative procedures will seem both pleasant and brief when effective local and IV anesthesia is chosen.



3.-How long will it take?

Implant treatments range from the immediate replacement of an extracted tooth to over six months when jaw surgery and bone grafting is needed. The average treatment is three to six months. Most of the time required to complete implant treatment is taken up just waiting for the bone to fuse completely with the implant. This usually takes a few months and goes on below the gum line without any feeling or awareness. In more complex cases treatment may be longer.


4.-Will I be without my teeth?

During the initial healing period, dentures or partials can be worn over the implants while they mature. The temporary teeth will be made prior to the removal of the existing teeth in cases where tooth removal and implant replacement is required. 

Are dental implants as strong as natural teeth? QuestionsYes. In many cases, implants are actually considered stronger than natural teeth and provide full functionality. After treatment, patients will be able to enjoy all of their favorite foods while benefiting from healthy, aesthetically-pleasing prosthetic replacement teeth.


5.-What are the benefits of implant dentistry? 

Enhanced ability to chew your food.

Replace removable full and partial dentures with fixed bridgework.

Improved appearance.

Increase in self-confidence.

Prevent further bone loss.



6.-How successful are dental implants?

Implants have been successfully placed since the 1950's. With ongoing technological advancements and more durable implant materials, ten-year success rates have been reported at 93 percent or better. 


7.-Is treatment available for failed implants?

Although implant failure is considered rare, it can occur. In these cases, the failed implant can be replaced with another. 


8.-Am I a candidate for dental implants?

Anyone who is healthy enough to undergo a tooth extraction is likely a suitable candidate for dental implants. However, these are certain contraindications that may complicate or prohibit implant treatment. Patients with certain conditions, such as chronic diseases, heavy smoking or alcohol abuse may not be candidates for implants. Your doctor will determine whether or not this treatment is right for you after a complete physical exam and evaluation of your medical history.



9.-Is age a factor?

No, there are no age restrictions for dental implants.

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